Watching for URLs

This alternate interface to scanning allows you to quickly scan and open a URL in Safari or other default browser.

  1. Select the File > URL Watch menu item or the URL Watch toolbar item.

  2. The scanning panel is then displayed. As the camera activates, the scanning panel will display the camera feed.

  3. Select options as needed:

    • Open URL in background - Your default browser will be sent the URL to open either in the background or in front of QR Journal.
    • Close on first scan - If only scanning a single QR code, enable to close the Watch panel after the scan is done.
    • Save capture - Enable to save the capture and text to your journal.
    • Run AppleScript - See the Scripting help document for more details.

  4. Scanning for QR codes will start as soon as the camera feed begins. Hold up a QR code to the camera making sure enough light illuminates to get a good capture. To cancel scanning simply select the Close button.